Emergency Plan For A Bikini Butt!
Victoria, I am going on a summer vacation with
my husband in two weeks and I need help getting my a** in a swimsuit without wearing one of those old lady ones like my grandmother has. You know the one with the built in skirt. Help Victoria! What can I do? - J. McMurphy Hello Ms J. You sure know how to challenge me don’t you? First... whatever you do, make sure your husband does NOT see you in a “skirt swimsuit”. There is only so much Viagra can do girlfriend! Second... I have some great tips for your "exit muscles" (the last ones people see when you leave the room) to look presentable. If you are really strict, you may look so good, your husband won’t want you to exit the room at all on this year's vacation! A few years ago, I needed to get ready for a swimsuit photo shoot at the exclusive Beverly Hills Celebrity hotel LeMontrose. I was not happy with my "rear view" so I put together this emergency bikini butt regime. It worked beautifully. After working my plan, my legs were more defined, my butt was tighter and, shall I say, high and lifted up. I felt great at the photo shoot. My results were validated when the rapper (name withheld) who was not in need of a tan, kept coming out by the pool and accidentally dropping his D&G sunglasses every other minute. I think I must have looked great to him. He was sneaking a look at my "assets" as he was pretending to recover his D&G’s. Okay Ms. J. get out your highlighter, print this page and highlight the tips you will follow diligently, even while you are on vacation. That’s right.

The last thing you want to do is look great the first day, then go on a “I’m on vacation” binge fest and bloat up like those cute little gold fish snacks.
1. Get Mentally and Spiritually ready. Center yourself. Prayers, affirmations and meditation are great ways to relax and make the preparation for your vacation and a fun and exciting challenge. 2. Start drinking at least 10 cups of water a day right away. The last 3 - 4 days I will add in a cup of herbal diuretic tea a day. The days when I'm drinking the tea I cut my water in half.

4. Sculpt and Tone every other day, do a full body workout with light-weights, with special emphasis on plies’, lunges, floorwork - leg lifts and donkey kicks. 3 sets of 25 reps per side of each exercise. Do your abdominals every other day as well. Figure out your three favorite abdominal exercises and review last week’ s abdominal hollowing tips and apply them.
5. Do not eat after 7:00 PM. That means NOTHING at 7:00PM. Water or tea but no calories. This is a big key!
6. Eat clean staying away from salt, sugar, desserts, ice cream and dairy. My Quick Start Fat Loss Program is perfect way to diet for optimal health and conditioning. If you don't have it already, pick one up today!
7. Increase Low Glycemic Index foods which help with weight release such as cabbage, onions, broccoli, cooked tomatoes, beans, wheat and certain fruit.
8. AVOID ALL HIGH Glycemic Foods. I have an extensive list in my Quick Start Fat Loss Program. Do NOT eat these foods. They could turn to fat faster than butter.
9. Eat 4-5 meals a day slightly smaller than my normal servings. Go easy on the condiments. For the last three days during the diuretic phase, omit any high salt food, condiments and drink distilled water. 

10. Finally use a series of Herbal Baths to smooth and tighten the skin around your legs, hips and buns. Take 2 - 3 baths a week for 30 minutes each. You'll need the downtime with all that cardio and sculpting! In addition to working on any remaining cellulite areas, the baths will help detoxify your skin and improve your overall complexion. Okay girlfriend, you have some great tips for getting you’re a** ready for your revealing beach unveiling. You can do it. If you start today, you can possibly lose up to an inch or even more in your hips and thighs for that awesome vacation. Have a great time, and send me some photos! God Bless and make it the Best Week Ever!,